Why Choose Us?

We are a fully insured, C2 registered contractor with a current tax clearance certificate and waste permit.

There are many reasons to choose Ken Eustace Landscaping for your next landscaping project, but one of the most compelling is our ability to handle every aspect and phase of the job. Ground excavations and associated works are stressful enough without having to hire a separate designer, landscaper and builder. At Ken Eustace Landscaping, we do it all!

From conception through to completion, we handle every aspect of design, construction, planting and maintenance. This integrated approach reduces project time by streamlining each phase of implementation and eliminating the confusion and delays that often plague sub-contracted projects.

From the time we start a project we are in complete control of all aspects of construction. We do not rely or wait on third party contractrs to complete some element of work. We will be there with you from start to finish.

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[tek_sectiontitle st_title=”What Our Clients Say” st_title_tag=”” st_subtitle=”Reviews from some happy customers of Ken Eustace Landscaping.” st_subtitle_position=”subtitle-below-title” st_title_font_weight=”” st_separator_enable=”separator_off” st_text_align=”text-center” st_width=”st_fullwidth” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeIn” css_animation_delay=”200″ st_subtitle_decoration=”” css=”.vc_custom_1647548137270{margin-bottom: 50px !important;}”]
[tek_testimonialcards tcard_nav_style=”nav-arrows-dots” tcard_navigation_color=”black-navigation” tcard_loop=”loop_on” tcard_autoplay=”auto_off” tcard_show_title=”tcards-title-on” tcard_title=”What our customers are saying us?”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Tom Cash” tcards_author_job=”Landscaping” image_source=”media_library” tcards_testimonial_text=”From first contact with Ken he was a man of his word. His work was first class, carried out on budget and on time. He still stops and looks over the wall when ever he passes.” tcards_link_settings=”no_link” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”” tcards_author_details=”author-bottom”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Seán & Deirdre Gilbride” tcards_author_job=”Garden Design” image_source=”media_library” tcards_testimonial_text=”We cannot recommend Ken Eustace Landscaping highly enough. Ken totally understood our brief and situation. He designed an amazing garden, driveway & patio area for us. He designed it in a modular fashion so we where able to complete the work as & when it suited us financially. We now have an amazing outside space that works for our family that we can enjoy & use all year round!” tcards_link_settings=”no_link” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”200″ tcards_author_details=”author-bottom”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Jonathan L.” tcards_author_job=”Commercial Landscaping” image_source=”media_library” tcards_testimonial_text=”Ken Eustace Landscaping offers corporate and commercial service programs that ensure that your property or investment is properly maintained throughout the year.” tcards_link_settings=”no_link” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”400″ tcards_author_details=”author-bottom”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Tom Cash” tcards_author_job=”Landscaping” image_source=”media_library” tcards_testimonial_text=”From first contact with Ken he was a man of his word. His work was first class, carried out on budget and on time. He still stops and looks over the wall when ever he passes.” tcards_link_settings=”no_link” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”” tcards_author_details=”author-bottom”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Seán & Deirdre Gilbride” tcards_author_job=”Garden Design” image_source=”media_library” tcards_testimonial_text=”We cannot recommend Ken Eustace Landscaping highly enough. Ken totally understood our brief and situation. He designed an amazing garden, driveway & patio area for us. He designed it in a modular fashion so we where able to complete the work as & when it suited us financially. We now have an amazing outside space that works for our family that we can enjoy & use all year round!” tcards_link_settings=”no_link” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”200″ tcards_author_details=”author-bottom”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Jonathan L.” tcards_author_job=”Commercial Landscaping” image_source=”media_library” tcards_testimonial_text=”Ken Eustace Landscaping offers corporate and commercial service programs that ensure that your property or investment is properly maintained throughout the year.” tcards_link_settings=”no_link” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”400″ tcards_author_details=”author-bottom”][/tek_testimonialcards]

Get a Quote

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.