Design Process

“The material provided below is intended to provide you with an overview of the design process from initial consultation to project completion.”
— Ken Eustace

1. Initial Steps
As soon as a Client makes contact with Ken Eustace Landscaping regarding their landscape project we will ask them to fill out our Client Questionnaire which will help us come to our first consultation meeting prepared with relevant information specific to their future landscape.
On-Site Consultation
Initial concept layout from the clients perspective Budgetary considerations. Optimising the available space. Site overview and measuring.

2. Designs
Within two weeks, We return to the client with some draft sketches that meet the design brief agreed upon. At this stage the client may suggest some changes to the draft design.
Following this we produce a 3D design realisation that provides a walk through for the client. This allows the client to view the design from different angles and provides a realistic view of how the completed project will look.
We will also provide samples of suggested materials for the client which will help them make an informed decision on final choices.

3. Design Construction
Once a final design has been agreed upon a starting date is established and materials ordered for commencement of the project.
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